
EdgePetrol has had an upgrade! Find out about our new features here.

How Seafront Saved Time and Money Using Real-Time Data

The Challenge

Their old process consisted of manually writing down all the information they needed to price each day on paper

Don, the owner, knew that finding this information, writing it down, and then finally making a decision from that was a time sink and that there must be a better way.

The Solution

EdgePetrol brought all the information he needs to price into one place, making the process of pricing his fuel much easier.
By giving them access to real-time volume, a weighted and blended margin, and the ability to view these metrics alongside competitor prices, EdgePetrol helped Seafront to make better pricing decisions quicker.

The Results

Seafront stopped using their manual process 2 days after signing up for EdgePetrol.
By switching from a manual process to EdgePetrol, they have saved 17 days per year pricing their fuel. Not only are they saving time, but they are now making price movements much more quickly, pricing their fuel when they get deliveries rather than waiting a couple of days.
Over the course of a year, this will have a big impact on their bottom line.

“Edge is a marvelous tool, I don’t know why everyone doesn’t have it!”Don Godfrey – Seafront

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