
EdgePetrol has had an upgrade! Find out about our new features here.

RJ Raven Gained More Confidence to Make Strategic Moves

The Challenge

Goran of RJ Raven was unable to track strategy performance in real-time due to lack of visibility of information. Volumes and margins were coming after the fact when it was too late too make a significant changes if his desired strategies did not work.

Therefore, he was not willing to experiment with his stations and potentially leaving profits on the table.

The Solution

With access to EdgePetrol, Goran was able to track volumes and accurate blended margins in real time. Performance reporting features allowed  Goran to see if his tactics were worked over any period of time.

Starting with premium grades, Goran increased prices whilst tracking volume and profit through the EdgePetrol app.

The Results

Daily premium grade profit increased by 18% with a loss of only 6% in daily volume.

This has given Goran the confidence to make more strategic moves in the future and track them via EdgePetrol.


Ready to see EdgePetrol in ACTION?


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