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How JET dealer Quarry Services implemented a winning margin strategy

JET dealer Quarry EdgePetrol Case Study

Quarry Services is a JET branded single site operation. They are one of many fuel retailers seeing additional profits due to the no fee access to EdgePetrol that JET provides its dealers.

They have looked for strategies to bring profit to the site whilst staying competitive with the market. Max, the owner of Quarry Services a single site located in the North East of England, noticed that weekends were typically quieter and decided that to maintain his profit he would put in a strategy to add a couple of pennies to the price on certain weekends. 

Using EdgePetrol to put this strategy in place, he was able to grow profits by £300 over a weekend and approximately £6,000 over a year. Max says “Edge has made these sorts of decisions much easier”.

Max has used this additional profit in two ways.

Firstly, he will drop down the price during the week to attract more customers on higher volume days. Secondly, he has been reinvesting into other technology on site.

“We’ve ordered digital marketing displays in the windows. 55 inch double sides TV so when people drive past we can advertise our offering.”

Quarry Services is just one of many dealers utilising EdgePetrol since JET agreed to provide it for their dealers, with many users seeing increases in volume, margin and profit since January 2023.


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