
EdgePetrol has had an upgrade! Find out about our new features here.

Data Policy

Edge operates in accordance with the following principles relating to Client Data:


Our business, your data


Edge integrates into the business systems of its clients to access Client Data to enable the Client to get a better view of its business metrics and derived insight. Edge acknowledges that Client Data and information and their management is critical to Client’s business. This policy does not form part of our Terms and Conditions but uses the same defined terms and sets out how Edge intends to manage Client Data.


Categorise and manage


Every piece of Client Data Edge receives, and the data Edge derives from it is assigned a category which determines how Edge manages that data.



Policy on data aggregation


The primary principles is that any aggregated data released by Edge must be anonymized so that the source of the data cannot be identified from the data by reverse engineering.  This involves:

  • having a sufficiently large sample size (number of petrol filling stations); and
  • having sufficient diversity of sources so that no source and the approximate data from that source can be identified by reverse engineering; and
  • having no source or group of sources which contribute to the data in a way that significantly skews the data (a very large or very small volume outlier).

All three criteria must be satisfied for the data to be both meaningful and anonymized, and therefore usable.


EdgePetrol would not expect data to be useful, usable or necessarily anonymized if any one of the above contributes more than twenty five percent (25%) of the sample size or data.


we value your privacy

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